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A wise person once said “We only know what we know, and we don’t know what we don’t know…” When it comes to training, never a truer word has been spoken.

As many of you reading this will know, ACA NSW works closely with Kool Kids Training College (RTO 40636) to present to members centre based training in the CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care qualifications. Our relationship started when their College Manager Sam Hendry literally knocked on our door. As Sam says “When knocking on doors and dropping into childcare centres (or the ACA NSW HQ for that matter), it is an interesting exercise in understanding more about what centre managers and owners know about the important role training has in their overall service delivery. On presenting what we believe to be the BEST training in the market we sometimes get the reply “Oh, thank you but we are happy with our training provider. It is an interesting statement – being ‘happy’ in our world of training doesn’t translate to quality. It can be code for ‘staying with what we know.’ And in some cases, there is real reason for this as many centres are fatigued by the training landscape. There have been Registered Training Organisation’s that have come and gone and have let many educators down. As a result, centre owners and managers can be a little shy of making a change – it can be a bridge too far to again make a change – so the safe position is to ‘stay with what we know.’ This point is not lost on Sam who says often, “In the list of the top ten things Centre Managers will address tomorrow, for the greater majority the topic of training is number 11 in order of priority…” “We understand that as we operate centres also (noting Kool Kids Training College origins are as a service provider in SE QLD and Nth NSW), and the increasing demands on Centre Managers means that if it ‘ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ and stay with what you know.” “The irony is that when we unpack that position often centre managers are frustrated with their training provider”, Sam said. “It takes some questioning, but we have created a Training Fact Find to quantify how happy centres really are. I ask centre managers if they are ‘happy’ with their training provider to rate the provider on a scale of 1 to 10. The responses to this question vary from a negative score to mid-range but rarely above 6 or 7.” When we get that response we always reply “Why not demand 10 (or as close to) as that is what we believe we strive for on a daily basis.” It is of course critically important for centre owners and centre managers to re-prioritise training so that it makes their top ten priority list and it is equally important to demand that the training is ‘10 out of 10’ in terms of quality. Kool Kids Training College is privileged to be a major sponsor of the EECE Awards Night and to champion the cause for better training for educators.

If your centre wants a FREE consultation on how your training is currently being delivered, simply go to the KKTC Training Fact Find page.




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