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Kirsty Crozzoli   
Early Childhood Trainer and Assessor
Kool Kids Training College

Kirsty has been working in early childhood since 2004. During her career she has always had a passion for mentoring trainees and helping people to reach their full potential, Kirsty believes it is important to remember that not everyone works the same so it is vital to get to know each and every one of her trainees so they can develop a plan to reach their  goals no matter what they may be.


Kirsty's favourite part of being a trainer with Kool Kids is seeing how excited trainees get to show her what they have been doing with the children, showing her the new song they learnt, the new environment they set up and the looks on  their face  when they sit and join in a group time with them, I think our trainees forget that we love working with children just as much as they do!

Lee Kirby  
Early Childhood Trainer and Assessor
Kool Kids Training College

Lee holds a Bachelor of Education and for almost 14 years she has been working in the Education field and is in awe at the talent and innovation demonstrated within the sector over this time. 

Lee is a passionate advocate for children and their rights, volunteering across a variety of organisations to support the development of children and providing them with a voice.

Lee is excited to take on the role as Judge for the 2021 Excellence in Early Childhood Education Awards and knows it will be a tough job. She has seen first-hand as a trainer, the commitment service’s take as they strive for excellence and the incredible women and men who dedicate their lives to supporting young children’s development and learning.

Dr Brenda Abbey  
early childhood education and
care professional

Brenda Abbey is an Early Childhood Education and Care professional, and an Approved Provider with four services rated Meeting and Exceeding. In over 35 years of experience in the sector, she has operated as a Regulatory Authority Officer and consulted in the development of more than 70 centres. Her assistance is widely sought in all matters to do with compliance, and in optimising and improving the operations and business performance of childcare services.


Brenda’s qualifications include Doctor of Philosophy (Education), Master of Education (Educational Administration), Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood), and Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. She is also a highly experienced teacher, centre director, author and presenter.

Jennifer Ribarovski 
Managing Director
of JR Education Consulting

Jennifer Ribarovski is the Managing Director of JR Education Consulting and has over thirty years’ experience in the education and care sector, including playing a key role in the implementation of the NQF for both the NSW Regulatory Authority and ACECQA.  

Along with her consulting practice, Jennifer currently teaches at and provides consultancy services to Sydney University in both the undergraduate and postgraduate early childhood degree.

Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and a Master of Educational Leadership and Management with Distinction but is most proud of being a ‘squishy grandma’; a title recently bestowed on her by a four year old child in a centre based service.

Diane Lawson 

Diane Lawson

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